What I'm Thinking...
"N" Level coming soon got the list of subject of what I'm doing and also the date of the paper. Chinese paper is first so was like I'm now left with less then 6months to prepare for it next will be Social Studies. Which means I'll have to start mugging from now.
I hate to sms people when they don't even bother to reply the sms, so for what the hell am I messaging the person when they don't even bother to reply it. And it's really stepping onto my nerves.
I don't really like Wei Hao cause it's like what's the big deal about me sitting with my buddy francis or enkai in class is there any problem you are not happy about it. I don't find a way for you to make such a big fuse about it, as I we know the relationship between me and him is just buddies like brothers and sisters.
Was reading about "Dear Kelly" column on a magazine, find it quite true about something. (Find out yourself if you are curious.) Then wrote Qi Mei a letter too hehe think communication in this way is fun don't have to face each other.
Some stuff I know I shall not ask or say much about things that is happening around me so I'll just keep quiet and not ask or say let the answer come out when it's time hehe=x.