Tuesday, February 08, 2005


Last night I watched DAYLIGHT. And i found that life is a very fragile thing, and it make me want to treasure people around me even more cause you may not know what will happen to them the next day or it may be the last time you see the person you quarrel with. So it's better to treasure the person around you as much as you can because you may not know when they will leave you.

Then to those people who have someone in your heart think you pals better let the person know about it because you may not know one day when it's about time you want to tell them that you love them but they are already taken so just let them don't how you feel about them.

As for myself, I also know paper cannot wrap fire. And the fact is that he know I like him but then he is the one who is acting blur about it and treat as if nothing happen. For me since you treat it as if nothing seem to happen and don't know about the whole issue I'll act in the same way till the day come somehow but I'll still treasure you...


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