Friday, November 04, 2005

Life Experience

Had a 3hours talk with him last night. I think I really had a heart to heart talk with him for a while. What he say really make sense and it really make me think that life isn't as bad as I think it is.

There is no such things as friends forever. Friends are just parts and parcels in our life. We may be very good friends now but who know what will it be like in the next minute.

Sometimes we should just forget about things and not rememeber it as it brings pain to our life. Rememebr only the happy stuff is what I've learn from him. Now thinking about what I had done in the past is a little foolish yet childish but that is me. And he is just a passer-by in my life who bring a big impact.

A baby was given birth but it's life was taken away. But after given an emergency treatment, it's heart beat started again and now it's alive living strong and health. It's kind of a second life give to the baby. The person treasure it's life and it makes me realiase that life is so fragile as it can be taken away any time at any moment.

I would admit that I'm a person who have got not enough life experience, so what's the big deal everyone will learn from their mistakes, past and others. Thus, it make me really want to treasure the person who told me this stuff even more. Simiply because I really want to learn more from him.


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